

发布日期:2025-01-04 18:24    点击次数:95
老船长咏叹调——徐建纲的诗主译:徐建纲  (三峡大学,教授)杨勇 (阜阳师范学院,副教授)译者:杨冰峰(三峡大学,博士)易红(湖北民族学院,博士)邹成博(三峡大学,硕士)覃业星(三峡大学,硕士)暨南大学出版社,2018年3月1.写给诗歌 一颗星,寂寥的天空里 不知为何 搁浅在迷雾般的夜色 孤单,却不寂寞 使出浑身的解数 把一个古往今来的故事诉说 流星一样 一眨眼,飞翔 消失在 纷杂的人寰,留下 一个谜语,一个 流连忘返的求索 一块礁石,在岸边 固执的耸立 站成一个思想者,任凭 海浪千百次的扑打 依然保持 骨瘦嶙峋的本色 一座灯塔,孤零零的, 大海深处,是它的归宿,没有, 木棉的致意,没有 榕树的问候,一次次, 挣扎着撕破 乌云的桎梏,昭示 航行的方向,象征 潮涨潮落 冰凌花一般圣洁 传教士一样虔诚 存在的,也许已经死了 死了的,也许更执著 启明星一样 默默把信念传播 徐建纲2013-8-12于三峡大学To PoetryA star in an empty skyLike a boat stranded in a misty nightFor reasons unknownIn the ways of its ownIt tells a story of antiquityAlone, yet not lonelyLike a shooting starIt sparkles and disappearsFrom the world of crowds, leavingOnly a riddleAnd a trail for them to blazeA rock by the river standsStubbornlyA living thought under wavesOf attacksIt holds firmlyTo its lean selfA lighthouse dreams of nothingBut a home in the depth of the seaNo salutes from the red KapokNo greetings from BanyansIt pierces into the cloudy skyTo guide the sailors homeTo mourn for the changing tidesAs clean as crystal iceAs pious as a missionarySome live to perishOthers die to be raised againLike a morning starSpreading faith in no voice(杨冰峰译)2.家的味道 脚步 在家乡的田埂留恋 思绪 弥散在静静的夜晚 满天繁星深情地 讲述儿提时代 纯真的生活 心中,不由一阵震颤…… 屋檐下的燕子睡觉了吧 池塘里的芦苇也累了 不然怎么就 不见它们舞蹈的叶尖? 唯一可见的 是童年的那棵老槐树哦 仍在暗夜里缠绵 路边深处的金银花哟 依然向我 吐露心底深处的眷恋 田边,不知名字的 青草的芬芳 伴随周围蛙声,就勾勒出 家乡美景一片 啊,家的味道 原来幸福是如此简单…… 徐建纲2015年5月10 日于钟祥市冷水镇长春村2. The Taste of HomeMy feetremember this landMy thoughtsare sober tonightStars are all over the skyReminding me how happy I wasWhen I was a simple little childAlas! It’s all goneThe swallow might be dozingUnder the eave it used to be singingThe reeds must be on vacationOr they should be in the pond dancingBut you, the pagoda tree, my mateAre still there, solemnly broodingOn the same old thingAnd you, the honeysucklesWould never fail meWith your everlasting tendernessHere I am at lastIn the scent of the unknown leavesIn the croaks of the country frogsI taste this nocturnal landscapeIt tastes just like home(杨冰峰译)3.遇见汕尾一袭白衣女子一抹似水流云那么浪漫的情怀那么湛蓝的海湾一个神秘的传说一首清新的小诗一篇隽永的散文一曲动人的民谣拨动多情的心弦海浪一样轻轻的诉说海风一样揉揉的低吟还有,还有那艘多情的沙滩上多情的帆船。。。。。哦,汕尾一个陌生,遥远的岛屿假如从不曾遇见你心绪不会如此纠结如果真的与你失之交臂会是我一生的遗憾!徐建纲2015年5月 于汕尾3. Meeting ShanweiIt’s a girl in whiteIt’s clouds and waterIt’s romanceIt’s the seaIt’s a poemIt’s a mysteryIt’s a balladIt’s a storyIt’s music, and I will playI’ll be tender as the wavesI’ll be soft as the windAnd I know moreMuch moreThan the beachAnd the sailsOh ShanweiYou are so differentAnd so far away from meHow I wish I had never met youAnd I would not be so enchantedSo much that I envyThose who loved you before me(杨冰峰译)4.致——FYT你是拜伦笔下的威尔模特夫人闪烁在光与美的夜空你是爱伦破诗行里绝世的海伦行驶在芬芳的那西亚海面你是济慈林间的夜莺,黑暗中期盼着黎明你是泰戈尔心中最遥远的距离——我在水里,你却在空中默默相望却终身不能相逢……只能在心底默默诵读一首古老的歌谣:我生君未生我生君未生……两行混浊的泪水扑捉你远去的身影………徐建纲2015年5月于三峡大学4. To FYTYou are Mrs. Wilmot in ByronWalking in beauty, shining at nightYou are Helen, the beauty of PoeSailing in the fragrant sea of NiceanYou are the nightingale of KeatsLonging for the dawn in dark woodsYou are in the furthest distanceAs Tagore would sayI’m in the waterAnd you are in the airI watch you in silenceMy love is hopelessI repeat the ancient balladTo hold my tearsToo early I was bornToo early I was bornIn your shadowsI shed my tears (杨冰峰译)思念思念是一杯浓烈的龙舌兰不经意间就开始在心底弥漫思念是一杯芬芳馥郁的曼陀铃咖啡发呆地注视着没有皎洁月光的夜晚思念是一本泛黄的影集偶尔会刺痛倦意的心弦思念是一册厚厚的线装书永远没了可以阅读的下卷思念是一首总也写不完的诗哦总是那么令人遗憾……思念是一条看不到尾的河流流走了太多无言的思绪思念是微风习习的海滩让人无数次流连忘返……徐建纲2015年4月 于三峡大学5. To Miss SomeoneTo miss someoneIs to take a strong tequilaIn no timeIt breaks into your heartTo miss someoneIs to have a mild mandolinAnd to stareInto the moonless nightTo miss someoneIs to open an old albumIt prickles and wake you upTo miss someoneIs to read a thick old bookYou strive to finish the first partTo find there is no second partTo miss someoneIs a work you’ll never finishYou regret for seeing no endTo miss someoneIs a river running wildToo many flows with no banks to holdTo miss someoneIs an empty beachYou leave it, you return to it(杨冰峰译)6.邂逅——致Grace认识你是一个温馨的秋季桂花的芬芳弥漫了校园也醉了诗人的思绪无数鲜花争奇斗艳唯独你静静的傲然于一隅默默的绽放属于自己独特的馥郁哦,犹如一朵幽静芬芳的茉莉灿烂于属于自己的一季又如一双女神赛琪幽怨的眼神深切 却无语从此,你如一尊古希腊的雕塑永恒在诗人的心底……徐建纲2015年5月于三峡大学6. A Happy Encounter—to GraceIt was a sweet fallWhen I fell in love with youThe sweet-scented osmanthusFilled the air on the campusIntoxicated the old poetAmong the pretty flowerswaving and dancing in gleeI found youLike a proud angelSitting in a quiet cornerShining your own glamourYou are my JasmineFragrant, bright and calmYou are a season of your ownYou are my PsycheThoughtful, speechlessWith eyes so wide openYou are a statueNot born in the foams of GreeceBut shrined in my sacred temple(杨冰峰译)7.无题早晨醒来发现自己走在有太阳的黑暗里……风,失去了飞行的翅膀树,被剥夺了表达的权利五月的花蕊无奈地等待属于自己的季节我,在一个早晨一个有太阳的黑暗里迷失了自己……徐建纲2015年5月于三峡大学7. UntitledI woke up this morningAnd I walkedIn the darkness of the sunThe wind had lostIts wingsThe trees had shutIts mouthsThe buds of MayWere waiting for its seasonIn vainI, in this morning,Lost myselfIn the darkness of the sun(杨冰峰译)爱人,今夜我想你了爱人这个寂寞已经沉醉的夜晚我,想你了风,撕扯着已经破碎的心雨,淋湿了那份厚厚的思念我的爱人今夜,我想你了想和你初次相识心跳的感觉忐忑的纠结希望而又失望的徘徊无数个夜晚街道上的长吁短叹总也抹不去的你那双会说话的大眼睛还有在空中舞动的歪着扎起的长辫子想第一次吻你冰凉的嘴唇想我们去旅游那些浪漫的日子那骑着自行车的旅游却觉得我们天下最富有想你一起度过的贫穷的日子一起快乐的日子同甘共苦的日子想围着围裙做饭的你洗衣服的你买菜的你哦,还有吵架的你潇洒驾车的你和女神般的你还有,我怀中万千温柔的你哦,爱人今夜,寂寞在低吟我,流着泪想你了。。。。。。徐建纲2015年6月于三峡大学8. I’m Missing You Tonight, My LoveI’m missing youMy loveAt this lonely drunken nightThe wind is tearing my heartApartMy memory is getting wetIn rainI’m missing youMy loveI remember how my heartPounded for youAched for youAnd got hurt for youIn the nights so darkIn the street so longI rememberHow your bright eyesSpoke to meHow your pony tailNodded at meI rememberHow your cold lips thrilled meI rememberAll the days we travelled togetherWe travelled by bikeAnd thought we couldn’t be richerI’m missing youAnd all our days in poorHappy days we enjoyedHard days we sufferedBut we were togetherWe were in the kitchenWe were in the laundryWe were in the marketAlas, we were in rageI remember how you driveI remember you walkI remember holding you in my armsI’m missing you tonightI’m missing youMy loveIn tearsAlone(杨冰峰译)9.渴望严冬肆虐的太久小草,渴望着破土发芽暗夜压抑了萌动的希望于是,星星流着泪期盼黎明白桦林被禁止了表达的权利于是,滋生了畅所欲言的憧憬人心被禁锢的疼痛于是,渴望凤凰涅槃的重生!徐建纲2015年6月于三峡大学9. LongingThe winterHas been too longFor the grass to remember growingThe nightHas been too darkFor the stars to remember shiningThe birch treesForbidden to turn their leavesAre dreaming of wordsOur heartsStuck in snaresAre longing to be born again(杨冰峰译)10.无题天是灰色的路是灰色的楼是灰色的雨是灰色的心也是灰色的在一片死寂般的灰之中飘过两朵祥云一朵是风信子一朵是郁金香……徐建纲2015年6月于三峡大学10. UntitledThe sky is grayThe road is grayThe house is grayThe rain is grayMy heart is grayIn this silent sea of grayRise two pieces of cloudOne is hyacinthOne is tulip(杨冰峰译)11.无题乌云依然在头顶聚集压抑着萌动的思绪骄横的太阳炙烤着干涸的土地窒息了最后一丝希冀一群绿色的无头苍蝇装腔作势地给无数疲惫至极的芦苇带上了枷锁本该是多么鲜活的生命啊却不得不在淫威下亦步亦趋湖边的芨芨草一边悲愤地疯长一边无奈的地叹息质问苍天:希望在哪里?徐建纲2015年7月于三峡大学11. UntitledThe dark cloudGathered above so nearBlocked the air so dearThe arrogant sunHeated the dry landTurned the last hope into sandA bunch of fliesGreen and headlessHoaxed the dizzy reedsInto whips on themselvesSo fresh once they wereSo stiff they now standSave the speargrassGrowing by the lake,Sigh in tears:Oh heaven please,On whom our hope relies?(杨冰峰译)12.多想多想跨越大大半个太平洋去拥抱你不顾波涛汹涌不顾疾风暴雨只为了那个100多年的梦想啊生生死死我愿意!该死的没有死该活的却没有活思想被禁锢呼吸被窒息还有一大片灰蒙蒙的天际。。。。。拥抱你不是要抱你丰满的双乳也不是你***的双臂我是要亲吻你充满智慧的额头和你高高擎起的火炬!我是把一生的血液浓缩在一个夜晚去拥抱你不顾生死不顾安危只为了脚下这块干涸的土地……徐建纲2015年7月于三峡大学12. How I WishHow I wish to hug youAcross the vast PacificNo fear of the high wavesNo fear of the big stormsOnly to fulfill a dreamThat I have dreamt for 100 yearsLife or deathI will take itWho deserves death does not dieWho deserves life is no long aliveBreathing is bannedThinking is illegalThe sky is hopelessly illI wish to hug youNot for your tender breastNor for your luscious armsBut to kiss you on your foreheadAnd to hold your torch higherI bleed my entire lifeFor this one nightFor you to have meIn your bloodFearing no dangerFearing no deathFor I stand stillI stand still on my land(杨冰峰译)13.疯人疯语(之一 梦) 被点燃的梦会不会熄灭如抛弃在路边的炉灰任冷风无情的吹来刮去?抑或像腐烂的大马哈鱼籽散发阵阵腐臭的 晦气?还是像化脓的红斑狼疮发出恶狠狠的呓语?是永远也落不到地面的彩虹?一次次粉碎缥缈的希冀是海市蜃楼摧残一颗颗柔弱的心脏还是炫丽耀眼的蘑菇云朵最后震撼在灰色的天际?徐建纲2015年9月于三峡大学13. Mad Words from a Mad Man, 1(Dream)Will a well-lit dreamGo outInto the ashes on the roadsideWhipped by the cold wind?Will it groanLike a dying salmonOr smellLike a festering lupus?Is it a rainbowThat never touches ground?Is it a mirageThat never comes true?Is it a mushroom cloudThat shines so brightThat shocks so many?(杨冰峰译)14.疯人疯语(之二——正义) 正义女神的眼睛被雾霭失明所以邪恶的撒旦的毒汁便覆盖了整个黄色的土地河流一起呜咽群山集体沉默树木无声默哀花草默默流泪 噤声千年的忒弥斯什么时候睁开你的双眼?徐建纲2015年9月 于三峡大学14. Mad Words from a Mad Man, 2(Justice)The eyes of Goddess JusticeAre blinded by the fogsThat’s why the venom of SatanFlows in every cornerOf this yellow landThe mountains are muteThe rivers sob in silenceThe trees and grass and flowersAll are mournfully in tearsOh Themis,In dreams for a thousand yearsWhy don’t you open your eyes(杨冰峰译)15.疯人疯语(之三——九月) 九月不耐烦地告别炙热的酷暑热情地拥抱带有一丝凉意的初秋秋蝉,激动地欢唱——重复一个古老的故事冷静地思考构思一个崭新的主题——黄昏的小径风,翻动着几片寂寞的落叶思考什么是生生不息……徐建纲2015年9月 于三峡大学15. Mad Words from a Mad Man, 3(September)SeptemberBids farewell impatientlyTo the burning summerSeptemberOffers a warm welcomeTo the young autumnA cicada is overjoyedTurning an ancient tuneInto a modern songIn the duskOff the laneThe wind is ponderingOn the leaves just fallenWhat is life?Where does it return?(杨冰峰译)16.疯人疯语(之四——有一种人生) 有一种享受 叫孤独 有一种慰籍 叫寂寞 有一种幸福 叫工作 有一种人生 叫奋斗有一种悲哀 叫——活着,却已经死了 有一种成功 叫——死了,却依然活着  徐建纲2015年9月12日于三峡大学16. Mad Words from a Mad Man, 4(It is my life)It is an enjoymentTo be aloneIt is a comfortTo be left in solitudeIt is a blessingTo be occupiedIt is my lifeTo be a fighterIt is a pityTo live as a dead manIt is an achievementTo die to live forever(杨冰峰译)17.老妈妈的背篓2010年秋在夷陵区山里偶然看见一位背着沉重背篓的老妈妈,时间过去很久了,可是她的身影依然在我心头萦绕——题记 弯曲的山间小路 缓缓地诉说 一个母亲的艰辛 沉重的背篓下 佝偻的身躯 使路边的橘子树也感到了压抑 一张布满沟壑的脸 解释着岁月的沧桑 粗粝的双手 一边握住的是日子的平凡 一边撑住的是家的温暖 弯曲的双腿 一边走着的是半生的操劳 一边踏着的是生命的坚实 一双迷蒙的泪眼 依稀透露着岁月的艰辛 依然闪烁着对生活的希冀 山雀停止了喧闹 老榆树也屏住了呼吸 擎在半空的烟 忘记了点燃 任思绪追随着背篓 和背篓下的身影 在山路上断断续续……徐建纲2010年10月于三峡大学17. The Basket of an Old LadyI saw an old woman, carrying a heavy basket on her back, walking on a mountain path in the area of Yilin, in fall 2010. The memory keeps coming back to me long after the meeting. –the poetThe winding path from the mountainUnpacked a tale in tendernessOf a motherOf her small body and her big basketOf the orange tree she leaned onHer wrinkled faceRecorded her sufferingsHer weathered handsCounted days after daysWith a warm sense of familyHer crooked legsTortured in hard timesWere strong under the heavy loadHer misty eyesLong suffered from the windStill sparkled with hopesThe chickadees ceased to danceThe elm held its breathI took out a cigaretteBut forgot to light itI watched that basketAnd the small body under itMy heart went onOn that winding path(杨冰峰译)18.表达——和杨卫东诗友我用微笑表达感谢我用沉默表达睥睨我用忍耐表达毅力我用平和表达包容我用执着表达爱情我用恒心表达责任我用诗歌表达理想我用信仰表达人生!徐建纲2014年8月 于三峡大学18. ExpressionAs a reply to Yang Weidong, my friendI thank by smilingI sneer by silenceMy patience stands for enduranceMy quietness stands for toleranceMy persistence means loveMy perseverance means dutyMy poetry is idealMy faith is life!(杨冰峰译)19.写给女儿当心情被乌云压抑的忧郁时希望就迷茫了双眼当愤懑被深深埋在心底时绝望就疯狂的生长有时会沉湎在无尽的回忆有时会期待渺茫的未来甚至想学屈原完成那最后的一跃从此定格等待历史的审判可是,一看到你哦,我的女神就像看见天堂打开了大门心儿,就飞跃到了云端忘却一切烦恼从此只听天籁之音只看鸿雁的舞蹈徐建纲2015年10月 于三峡大学19. To My DaughterWhen my heart hardenedUnder the stormy skyI was blind from any hopeWhen my heart sickenedIn the rage unspeakableI let it grow in desperationSometimes I lost myself in memorySometimes I dreamt myself awayI even thought of Qu YuanWho took that little stepTo be frozen in timeTo be judged by historyBut, when I saw youOh my goddessYou opened the door of blessingAnd raised my heart into heavenI forgot all my troublesI heard the music of angelsI saw the dance of an elfin(杨冰峰译)20.致母校--华中师范大学挽着时光的沧桑不经意间,就走进了三十年前的黑白岁月绿意葱葱的桂子山依稀透露着青涩的味道丹桂的馥郁肆意地弥漫着无际的思绪苦乐交加隐藏在林间的小径被岁月斑驳的台阶依然徘徊着恋爱的气息阵阵揪心图书馆里的墨香翻动青春的波涛卷页发黄的书籍再次激起哲学的思考从年轻的眼神到经年一圈圈老树的年轮到处流淌着桂子山特有的诗行哦,三十年这是一次久违了的重逢哦,母校您给予我生命的意义我还你一个值得的骄傲徐建纲2015年10月于华师20. To My Alma Mater – The Central China Normal UniversityThrough the memoryWith no effortsI walked into my past daysThat faded in thirty yearsThe green hills of the GuiziStill look young and vigorousThe sweet-scented osmanthusBlossom into a paradiseOh my old palsI’m back on campusThe hidden path in the woodsAnd the moss-covered stepsAre still scented with rosesYes, I know where it goesIn the smell of the libraryOn the waves of the leavesI open again the booksThat triggered me in the old daysI read extraordinary linesFrom the young and eager eyesTo the barks of ancient treesIt has been thirty yearsThat I wasn’t so nearTo you, oh my alma materYou sparkled a life in meLet me make you proud of it(杨冰峰译)21.遇见日本一首唐诗既熟悉,又陌生一首宋词婉约里透露着犀利既古典,又摩登碎石铺就的小径鲜艳的和服包裹欲言又止的含蓄高架桥上来来往往匆忙中理性的身影富士山下山梨村的圣水讲述一个民族的风俗平和湖面的碧波寄托一个民族的真情一场突如其来的暴风雪洗涤了往日的记忆白雪皑皑的一篇日志勾勒出一个赞新的黎明爱知县名古屋樱花道浅草寺。。。。。。最是那清纯深情的一瞥哦为什么,就不能让我多停一停???徐建纲2015年 于日本21. A View of JapanLike a Tang poemFamiliar yet strangeLike a Song lyricGraceful and refinedClassical and modernOn a path of pebblesA veiled beautyWalks in a bright kimonoOn the vaiductsRun swarms of shapesOf calculating mindsAt the foot of the FujiThe sacred water from YamanashiTells the customs of this peopleThe waves at Peace ParkHave the record of their emotionsA sudden stormWashes away the memory of the pastA passage of snowOutlines a new dawnAichiNagoyaSakura RoadSensoji TempleSo lovely is that passing glanceWhy don’t you pauseAnd take me for a little while?(杨冰峰译)22.湘江印象也是一个惆怅的深秋孤身一人漫步在橘子洲头一样的寒风弯曲的飘过悸动的心头没有漫江碧透也没有百舸争流几片孤零零的树叶表达着莫名的落寞江心,几个突兀的孤岛隐约透露着那年的浪遏飞舟?激扬文字的豪气只是刻在变色的石碑上书生意气的风采淹没在黑色尾气的河流指点江山的豪迈在略带妩媚的灯红酒绿中发霉、生锈……只有宽阔的江水依旧呜咽着把历史记载思绪,沿着河道延伸在一根烟的伴随下嘴里一遍一遍地念叨:独立寒秋湘江北去橘子洲头……徐建纲2015年11月于长沙22. Reflections on the Xiang RiverIn cold autumn tooI walk aloneOn the head of Orange IsleThe same cold windWent throughThe wrinkles of my heartNo longer is the water glassy greenNo sight of the boats swarmingA few falling leaves are mourningThis ineffable solitudeAre the rocks in the riverMeant to mark the torrentsThat the rafts once conquered?The power of the wordsAre only in the weathered stonesThe glamour of the young heartsHave sunk into the wastesThe dreams of the new worldAre rusting in this world of the newThe river is running wideTurning history into tidesI light a cigaretteAnd let my thoughts wanderIn the words of the wiser:I stand alone in cold autumnThe Xiang River goes northAround the head of Orange isle(杨冰峰译)23.遇见——岳麓山伟岸震撼如斯巴达德魔比利利剑直冲霄汉婉约柔媚如湘女多情沁人肺腑一部线装书透露着历史一样的厚重一曲《浏阳河》吟诵着少女般含蓄的期待岳麓书院述说沧桑与变迁古老的榕树包容着过去与未来湘绣和西装在这里接踵竹简和手机在这里交织是否在质问:谁主沉浮?亦或是提示:一切,都是为了明天?哦,岳麓山我心怀的holy land父亲一般宽厚女神一样多情假如我从没来过这块圣洁的土地我会终身的遗憾!2015年11月于长沙23. A Visit to Mount YueluMassiveGloriousLike a Sparta swordIt pierces the heavensGracefulGlamorousLike the love of a Hunan ladyIt comforts meA volume from the ancient libraryIs as heavy as historyThe song of the Liuyang RiverTurns me into a hopeless loverThe Yuelu AcademyHas endured the pain of changeThe old banyan tree knowsWhat it was and what it is to beBroidered dresses and western suitsAre walking hand by handBmboo slips and smart phonesAre placed side by sideShould one ask:Which one dominates?Could one ponder:Are these our future?Oh Mount YueluMy holy land in dreamsYou are as kind as a fatherYou are as tender as a goddessHow regretful I would beIf I had never been here!(杨冰峰译)24.贺中美诗歌节年会心,在高速公路上飞奔思绪,在树叶间弥漫眼神,随着烟雾缭绕感情,在酒杯里泛滥啊!上海,上海!中美诗会这是一次美丽的遇见!徐建纲2014年12月于上海师范大学24. Congratulations to CAAPMy heart is speeding on the highwayMy mind is floating among the leavesMy eyes are watering in the smokeMy mood is raising with the wineShanghai, oh Shanghai!CAAPWhat a beautiful convention!(杨冰峰译)25.一片叶子连绵的秋雨没有停歇的意思丝丝缕缕不知牵着多少心事一片落叶顺势飘下寒凉的渡口终也无发抵达那些温暖的彼岸厚厚的云层在头顶上游走顺着北风的指向割裂昨日的伤口当疼痛覆盖疼痛已经习惯了刮骨疗伤那就让暴风雨来的更猛烈些吧一片叶子的执念仍能用诗歌,把自己抱暖徐建纲2015年11月三峡大学25. A LeafThe rain in autumnGoes like a endless taleDropping and drippingLike a man with secrets to tellA leaf falls downOn the deserted ferryThe last shift has goneNever will it make to the other bankThe heavy clouds gatherAbove my headThey are catching up the North windThey are cutting the old woundsLet new pains cure old onesTake my bones for some fleshStorm, if you are, you are welcomeA leaf’s wish holds onIn poetry, it keeps itself warm(杨冰峰译)26.落叶父亲的最后一眼像飘然落下的叶子我的痛在那些粗糙的掌纹里,穿行我不知道还要经历怎样的修行才能化身为一片叶子或许,只有彻悟了大树的母语才会有精彩的四季秋雨淅沥北风渐急看落叶飘然静赴于大地那个熟悉的身影正缓缓走进我的目光里徐建纲2015年11月于三峡大学26. Falling leavesLast sight of my fatherLike these falling leavesMy painGoing through these rough palm printI have no ideaWhat practice I should takeThat I could be a piece of leafMaybe these colorful seasonsCan be touchedOnly by understanding wordsThose trees saidThe rain goes pitter-patterThe north wind is getting urgentWith leaves on the groundFalling and restingThis familiar figureSlowly walks into the sightOf mine(邹成博,覃业星译)27.窗口我完全可以把目光举得更远落到有你的地方只怕那些疼痛惊起流水思念泛滥冬天的窗口更适合怀念,只是我不想逾越那块美丽的界碑,只想给自己画一个地牢让思念的波涛,缩写在冰冷的玻璃上模糊成片徐建纲2015年11月于三峡大学27.WindowI can totally raise my sight furtherTo where you were stayingAfraid that pain bothered riverBoiling all my yearningThe window in winter is moreAppropriate to yearn, butI do not want to cross that line, onlyTo draw a dungeon for myselfLet the wave of yearningFall onto that cold glassesMelting into pieces(邹成博,覃业星译)28.喊你的名字声音在喉咙里,颤抖抚摸你眸子深处的不安像仰望女神般的崇敬一时间,杂念无所遁形手和手像隔着一层玻璃欲握,却没握近在咫尺却远在天涯漆黑如没有矿脉的深渊这个神圣的日子无需解释你如一封远方的来信在这个寒冷却又温暖的日子慰藉我的心灵你说:就像您喊我的名字我真的从来都没觉得喊得好听过您喊我很愿意应答其实我无法描述那种悲哀这个世界留给我太少的自己我只能用心,不是声音呼喊你的名字­——哦,我的女神!当思恋扼住我的喉咙当泪水湿润我的鼻梁我的女神哟我要告诉你不是我生来就要背井离乡而是我的梦在远方的路上这个特殊意义的日子虽然没有下雪遇见,真的是一个美丽的邂逅徐建纲2015年11月于三峡大学28. Calling your nameVoice is quivering in throatTo touch your unrestDeep in the eyesLike worshiping reverence of goddessAll of a sudden all the distractionsWith no place to hideHandCan not reach another handLike a piece of glass lies betweenClose, but far away as wellAs dark as abyss with no lodeIn this holy dayNo need to explainIn this cold but warm dayYou melt my heartLike a letter from far offLike you calling my nameI do not think it sounds charmingBut I do love to answer your callingYou saidActually I can not describe that sorrowThe world is so cruelThat leaves me less part of my soulWhich I can use, not the voiceTo call your nameOh, my dear goddessWhen yearning gripped my throatWhen tears moistened my noseOh, my dear goddessI want to tell youI am not born to leave my hometownBut my dream is on the wayIn the distanceThat special dayWithout snow in the skyCharmingBecause I meet you instead(邹成博,覃业星译)29.绿色的冬季一片片落叶数着凌乱的脚步一簇簇蒲公英唱着绿色的小曲略微冷略的寒风抚摸幽深的思绪一棵棵冬青迫不及待伸出热烈的双臂一颗种子出发了,去找寻迷失了的自己双脚小心翼翼地抚摸褐色的土地眼神急切地扑捉清新的气息每一次驻足都深深地叹息每一次叹息都带着深情的回忆哦,一个绿色的冬季江南的丛林里我, 找回了迷失已久的自己……2015年11月于点军29. Winter in greenPieces of leavesCount their messy feetClusters of dandelionSing their Airy tuneA gust of chilling windTouches my deep thoughtsBrunches of hollyStretch out warming arms eagerlyA seedSet off to searchFor the lost selfFeetTouch carefullyThis brown landEyesEager to captureThis pure and fresh breathEvery time I staySighing deeplyEvery time I sighWith loving memoryOh, a winter covered in greenIn Jiangnan, the woods and leavesI, finallyFound that long lost self(邹成博,覃业星译)30.冬季驻足江南几缕冷风托举着江南特有的寒意几颗红透的柑橘挂在枝头倔强地不肯离去金黄金黄的银杏渲染着一个不甘寂寞的季节蒲公英绿色的曲调足以惊艳余晖中的静谧老树与古刹风雨相守讲述过去和未来落叶与青苔争相比翼描绘生存和意义哦,心哦,心哦多想,从此在群山和绿叶隐映间流连忘返忘记尘世界困惑与闹烦远处,一粒松果传来阵阵低语:还有责任未完成还有很长的路去寻觅……徐建纲2015年11月于三峡大学30. Stopping at Jiangnan in winterGusts of cold windLife the unique chilling in JiangnanA few ripe citrusLie on the treeStubbornly refusing to leaveThe golden golden ginkgoPaints this kind of seasonThat is unwilling to be lonelyThe green gentle tune from dandelionEnough to amaze the silenceIn this red red sunsetThe old tree and ancient templeHolding together through stormTell us the future and pastFalling leaves and mossFlying wing to wingRushing to depictExistence and meaningOh, my heart, my heartHow much I want to stayIn this paradiseWith mountains and leavesTo forget the confusion and hatesA grain of pine coneWhisper in distanceWith duty to completeWith a long way to seek(邹成博,覃业星译)31.冬季南国印象南国的冬季没有雪……只有淅淅沥沥的雨缠绵地不肯离去表达着对土地的一片深情?绿叶与黄叶交相呼应渲染着不甘寂寞的心情落叶,间或在湿润的土地上 跳跃怎么也摆脱不了湿漉漉的被压抑的心声最是那漫长的夜晚延续着固有的令人毛骨悚然的阴冷没有黎明……幸运的是还有拜伦,雪莱,济慈北岛,舒婷……拥抱着诗歌入眠于是,这个阴郁的冬季不再那么寒冷……2015年12月 于三峡大学31. Austral impression in winterThere is no snowIn austral winterOnly the rain fallingUnwilling to leaveTo express a deep feeling of landGreen and yellow leavesHold hands with each otherTo express the moodUnwilling to be lonelyLeaves falling or jumpingIn that wet wet landHard to escapeFrom that wet depressed voiceDeep inside the heartIt is long long nightThat never stops tellingThe macabre cold with no hopeWith no dreamFortunatelyByron, Shelly, KeatsBei Dao, Shu TingWhose poems I can readBefore the cold night comes to meAlthoughThe gloomy winter is still hereIt is never cold again(邹成博,覃业星译)32冬季里的云雀咏叹调阴雨淅淅沥沥寒风阵阵刺骨心情在蓝色的忧郁中低沉的吟诵无题的唐诗宋词哀叹没有希望的黎明树枝的缝隙中突然传来阵阵云雀的歌声哦, 心,我的心在麻木中惊醒一只云雀无畏地穿梭在有寒流略过的天空把一首轻快的乐曲奏响蔑视彻骨的寒冬轻盈地飘过树梢有黄叶的料峭如同一杯盛满萨尔瓦多咖啡的温暖急切地呼唤沉睡已久的心灵多想一饮而尽你圣洁的礼物远离这褐色土地上的阴湿以及刺骨的冷漠追随你一同,翱翔于中美哦, 那多情的天空品尝南国多汁的甘蔗呼吸斗牛勇士那勇敢,自由的空气痛饮龙舌兰苦涩中蕴含的温情在这块雾霾横行的土地没有语言没有青春没有思想没有想象力只有虚伪和势力像狗尾巴草一样肆虐地盛行我要与森林彼此为伍我要同麦浪一道灌浆我要和高山一同起伏我要伴田野一起芬芳冷傲的云雀哦带上我去远游吧不是带着我的皮囊而是我的灵魂和思想……徐建纲2015年12月于三峡大学32. Aria of lark in winterSullen rainA drop and a dropCruel windA gust and a gustMoodDrowned in blue sorrowDeeply chantingUntitled poemsOf Tang and Song dynastiesTo lament the dawnWithout a wishIn the gap of branchesSuddenly comingThe sweet song of the larkOh, heart, my heartAwake from numbnessA larkFearlessly shuttleIn this cold airSinging a lively tuneTo flout the crueltyOf cold winterTo float over the treetopWith yellow leaves remainedLike a fulfilled cupOf warm Salvador coffeeEagerly arouse the heartDormant for so longWant to drink it allYour holy giftAway from danknessOn this brown landAnd could indifference as wellFollow you to fly in Mid-AmericaOh, how emotional the sky isTo taste juicy sugarcaneTo breathe free airLike brave bullfightersTo drink the tendernessHiding in bitter TequilaOn this groundCovered with hazeThere is no languageNo youthNo thoughtsNo imaginationOnly hypocrisy and forceRampant like dog tail grassI want to immerge myself in forestsI want to grout with rippling wheatsI want to be undulate like mountainsI want to be fragrant like broad fieldsOh, arrogant larkPlease take me to travelNot my bodyBut my thoughts and soul(邹成博,覃业星译)33.夜晚的灯火--求索溪畔的思考寒夜冬季的冷风还在婆娑应该已经安息的枫叶还在不甘寂寞夺目的灯光里一明一暗地闪烁似乎,比白日里更加婀娜。。。。。银杏的倒影在碧波中舞蹈思绪在草坪上驻足凝视玉兰的枝桠在暗夜的空中倾诉忧郁的眼神不再甘心岁月的蹉跎变换的色彩在湖心里荡漾过去与未来在时空里交错哦,心哦,心一半神往着往日的田园牧歌一半融化在五彩斑斓的现代灯火试问苍天谁是谁的救世主谁是谁的功与过?徐建纲2015年12月于三峡大学33. The lights at night ——meditation nearby Qiusuoxi StreamCold nightCold wind is dancingIn this winterMaple leavesWho should be rest at peaceUnwilling to be lonelyThe dazzling lightFlashing again and againKind of, more gracefulThan it was at daytimeThe shadow of gingkoDancing in the wavesMy thoughts on the lawnStop and stareYulan branches are whisperingIn this dark nightBlue eyesHidden the crueltyOf life and timeThe changing colorSwing on the lakeFuture and pastTorn apart in my heartOh, my heart, heartHalf of it, longing to the idyllIn old daysHalf of it, melt at colorful lifeIn nowadaysDare to ask GodWho is whose savior?Whose honor? Whose false?(邹成博,覃业星译)34.诗人灰色的叹息蓝色的忧郁独行在阴冷的诗行红色的围巾黑色的风衣杜撰着无人能懂得寒风孩子般的笑靥牧民一样的纯朴做着一些傻子一样的梦与枯树低语和流云对话把头低的深入草丛。。。。。。不喜欢喜鹊的唧唧咋咋却独享乌鸦的呱噪把身体卧在铁轨上心里却渴望清新的黎明……徐建纲2016年1月于三峡大坝34. PoetSigh in grayMelancholy in blueWalking aloneAmong these gloomyPoetry linesScarf in redCoat in blackWriting downThe freezing windThat nobody can shareSmile like a childSimple like a herdsmanDrowning in daydreamLike a foolish manWhisper to old treesTalk to floating cloudsLower my headDeep in the grassHate the singing of magpieOnly to enjoy the voiceOf the lonely crowsLying on the railsBut my heartLonging for a whole new dawn(邹成博,覃业星译)35.无题雾霾依然傲慢地笼罩着黄色的土地肆虐了一代又一代山涧的阴风时不时,发出威胁的嚎叫还在助纣为虐代表希望的太阳躲在厚厚的云层后面继续着无奈的无奈坚韧的蒲公英枯黄了一茬又一茬顽强的忍冬还在挣扎着苦闷的挣扎洞庭湖的涟漪聚了又散了浑浊的江水老泪横流悲哀着跨世纪的悲哀……江汉平原的麦子绿了又黄了高原上的野蔷薇开了又谢了丛林里的杜鹃依然在啼血地歌唱一双眼睛一双猩红色的眼睛缓缓流出最后一滴期许——质问苍天:是否,还值得坚守?回答:为了一个清新的,有阳光的下午已经疲乏的笔尖再次注入黑色的期待!徐建纲2015年12月 于三峡大学35. UntitledHazeStill arrogantlyCoveringYellow landRaged for generationsChilly windSometimes, make howl of a threatEven holding the candle to the devilThe sun represented hopeHiding behind cloudsWith continual helplessness in mindThe tough dandelionPerish a crop and a cropHard to struggleThrough this cold cold seasonThe ripple in Dongting lakeGathering but scattering againTurbid waterLike tears flowing from aged eyesWith sorrow remainingCenturies by centuries ……Wheat of Jianghan plainGreen, but turning into yellowWild rose growing on plateauBlooming, but wither in the endThe cuckoo in the jungleStill singing with bloodA pair of eyesA pair of scarlet eyesSlowly shed the lastDrop of expectationQuestion GodWhether, worth holding fastResponseFor thisFresh, sunny afternoonThe exhausted nibWith dried up black expectationBack to life again(邹成博,覃业星译)36.无题---徐建纲站在大海边,我迷茫过,不知道哪里才是心岸,此岸和彼岸的距离真的很远吗?让我一直行走,还有永无休止的跋涉。沉思和凝望成了一种语言,一半是迷惑,一半是祈盼,一半是明媚,一半是晦暗。在无声的黑暗里,默默祈祷着黎明。有时候都能听见小苗破土的声音,都能听见露珠滑落的脆响,黑夜里也有游移和困惑,让自己的眼睛看不见闪烁的星光。只有城市的灯火里,透过酒杯还有杂乱的音乐,感受着迷乱的脚步,聆听撕心裂肺的歌声。纷乱的倒影,汽车的轰鸣,都在思考一个问题:这就是所谓的人生?徐建纲2015年12月于三峡大学36. UntitledStanding by the seaI was confusedWonder where I belong toLet me keep walkingAnd endless trekMediation and gazeMelt into a kind of languageHalf of confusionHalf of prayingHalf of clear brightnessHalf of deep darkIn the silent darknessPraying lonely for the dawnSometimes the soundof seedlings growingCan even be heardAnd the voice of dewdrop dancingThere is still hesitance and puzzleIn this dark nightStop me from seeing the sparkleOf stars in the skyOnly in this city lightsThrough chaotic music and wineTo feel the tramp of feetTo hear the song of broken heartTumultuous reflectionThe roar of carsAll thinking about one questionIs this so-called life(邹成博,覃业星译)37.无题黑暗在心底疯长虽然,走在阳光下不是我看不见太阳而是心早已浪迹天涯感动于树木的坚守不论春夏秋冬悸动于花草的毅力一茬又一茬可是我的心啊就是找不到自己的家2016魂归何处?没有人回答。。。。。。只听见远处几只麻雀在冷风里的叽叽喳喳徐建纲2016年1月于不知道在哪。。。。。。37. UntitledDarknessGrows crazilyAt the bottom of heartAlthough, walking in the sunNot the sun unseenBut my heart alreadyRove all over the worldMoved by the perseveranceOf all treesNo matter which season it isTouched by the doggednessOf flowers and plantsA crop and a cropBut my heart alreadyCan not find a way homeWhere my soul belongs toIn this sad 2016No one responded ……Only to hear sparrows cryingIn the distanceIn the cold wind(邹成博,覃业星译)38.梦境电锯割断了目光镣铐锁住了思想猩红色的火焰炙烤灰色的雾霭窒息拼命的挣扎无奈啼血的呐喊无语。。。。。。摇摇欲坠的天空下无数个黑色的幽灵奔跑在逃离的路上。。。。。。徐建纲2016年1月于不知道的地方38. Dream landChain sawCut down my viewShacklesLock up my thoughtsScarlet flameBurningGray hazeSuffocatingDesperate struggleHelplessBleeding crySpeechless ……Under the shaky skyThousands of ghosts in blackRunning in the way of escape ……(邹成博,覃业星译)39.回乡冬末的寒风凌冽在漫长的高速公路上混乱的思绪在无序的时间上延长2016年2月的第一天又一次重复重复了无数代的故事——回乡眼神,弯曲了年轮的复杂心情,拉直了游子的忧伤“近乡情怯”的成语不断在空气中回荡我是去履行一个短暂又长久的承诺哦去完成一家人的盼望去看看记录着儿时顽皮的苞米地是否还有幼稚的秘密掩藏第一次和女生秘密约会的草垛是否还留下当年的慌张去看看当年亲手种下的那棵香樟树是否已是龙钟的模样去尝尝家里最爱吃的油馍尖儿还有梦里都梦见的胡辣汤和邻里的大伯大娘聊聊天谈谈家常最要去看看的是年迈的母亲花白的慈祥午后的夕阳已在远方默默注目田野里,光秃却遒劲的枝桠伸出迫不及待的臂膀熟悉又陌生的缕缕炊烟已在诱惑我的辘辘饥肠两行清泪的伴随下我的心哦已融化在久违了的家乡徐建纲2016年2月于苏家河39. Back to hometownAt the end of winterCold windHowling on the endless highwayChaotic thoughtsExtending along the disordered timeIn 2016, the first day of FebruaryFlash back againA story inherited by generations ——Back to hometownEyes, bend complexity of growth ringMood, straighten sorrow of wanderersThe idiom, too close to homeResounding constantly in the airThere is a short and long commitmentThat I come to meetA expectation of a familyThat I come to achieveTo see the corn fieldsRecorded naughty of my childhoodWhether a naive secret hiding or notTo find the straw pilesWhere I dated my first little girlWhether a sense of stress lasting or notTo see the camphor tressI planted on my ownWhether be in its dotage or notTo taste deep-fried cuspidal pastryDefinitely my favorite at homeEspecially the spicy soupI dreamed of eatingTo chant with the neighborsIt was mostly small talkBut what is the most importantIs to see the gray kindnessOf my dear dear elderly motherThe sunset at duskStaring silently in distanceIn fields, bare but powerful branchesReach out eager handsA wisp of smoke risingFrom a kitchen chimneyStrange but familiarAttracting me in a sense of hungerWith tears running down my faceOh, my heartMelted in my long lost hometown(邹成博,覃业星译)40.思想者咏叹——观罗丹雕塑有感高高弓起的背背负起的是整个人类上下几千年的思想大山一样沉默而伟岸大海一样无语却充满力量紧握的双拳握紧的,不是强权而是历史以及和历史一样沉重的希望象征对自由、未来的渴望深邃的双眸表达着极度的痛苦不是个人的痛楚而是对人类悲天悯人的忧伤额头上深刻的褶皱不是衰老的标志是忧虑过度的疤痕把睿智的思考深深掩藏深深嵌入土地的脚趾青筋裸露为人们讲述什么是实事求是什么是脚踏实地的构想哦, 思想者伟大的但丁智慧的诗人,神明的智者是谁的鬼斧神工雕刻下这后无来者的永恒神曲几百年来让无数的人们在此流连忘返驻足、徜徉。。。。。。徐建纲2016年2月于三峡大学40. Chant of thinker ——inspired by Rodin sculptureHigh arched backCarried entire human raceThoughts through thousands of yearsAs calm as mountainsBut outstanding as wellAs taciturn as oceanBut powerful as sameClenched fistsWhat gripped in hands is not mightBut history insteadAnd hope as heavy as historyWith longing for future and freedomDeep eyesTelling the excruciating painNot my personal issueBut the compassionate worryAbout human raceDeep wrinkles on foreheadNot a sign of senilityBut a scar of over-anxietyDeeply buryMy wise thinkingToes embedded in landThe blue veins exposedTelling peopleWhat seek truth from facts isWhat down-to-earth thinking isOh, thinkerGreat DantePoet of wisdom, Divine sageWho created thisThis incredible eternalThe great, the divine comedyHundreds of yearsMake millions of peopleCan not help to lingerTo stop and stare (邹成博,覃业星译)41.无题没看见过阳光以为黑暗是正常的没沐浴过春天以为寒风是应该的没呼吸过清新以为雾霾是日常的没享受过幸福以为痛苦是常见的没见过春天以为寒冬是永恒的没做过主人以为做奴才是没什么大惊小怪的。。。。。。徐建纲2016年2月41. ThoughtsThose who had never seen the sunlightWould think the darkness was all right.Those who have not bathed in springWould think the cold wind should be always blowingThose who has never breathe the fresh airWould think the smog was a daily affairThose who haven't had the true happinessWould think pain was normal more or lessThose who had never experienced the springWould thought winter was en endless thingThose who have never been their own masterWould think that be a minion was not a disaster.。。。。。。(杨勇,易红译)42.无题都说我应该写首诗理由很简单——春天来了可是我就是写不出因为我的笔病了它得的是癌症病魔掏空了它的心力笔锋日益枯萎、憔悴看不见绿色的盎然听不见百鸟的齐鸣徒劳地把一支烟当上联一杯酒做下联就是找不到横批。。。。。。2016年4月于三峡大学42. UNTITLEDAll my friends told meThat I should write somethingJust for a simple reason all can see‘Here comes spring!’But really I could write nothing’cause my pen has been sicker and sickerIt has got a cancerThe illness emptied its heart.Withering and haggard,Even I didn’t know where to startCouldn’t see the splendors of full greenCouldn’t hear the bird’s twittering in the sceneJust put a cigarette as the first scroll,For a smokescreenAnd a glass of wine as the second scroll,But, I couldn’t find the horizontal to unroll。。。。。。(杨勇,易红译)43.有一种人有一种人叫人不能拒绝有一种人叫人不忍直视有一种人,是天使能唤醒你心灵深处沉默很久的情愫有一种人,是紫罗兰浓郁的沉香能淹没你人生的航船从此,只愿在你的港湾荡漾不顾风,不顾雨。。。。。。徐建纲2016年4月29日于三峡大学43. A KIND OF PERSONThere is a kind of personYou could not refuse;There is a kind of personYou may want to abuse;There is a kind of personJust like an angel which is so smart,Can arouse the complex sentimentIn the bottom of your heart;There is a kind of personJust like violets,And a beautiful housewife,Their heavy fragrance can drownThe ship of your life.From now on,I just want to ripple in your bay,No matter how heavy rains it will display!。。。。。。(杨勇,易红译)44.写给5,12护士节烦躁时你是一股清风来自绿意盎然的山涧顷刻间,心情摇曳的像一朵一朵绽放如初的紫罗兰抑郁时你是一枚广玉兰皎洁如一轮月光把幽幽的爱意一股一股沁入心间顿时,眼神如桃花一样灿烂绝望时你是来自上苍的一道闪电荡滴心头的雾霾把希望,一次一次注入心海在绝望的死海播种明天哦,白衣天使上帝的女儿希望的使者就这样,把爱撒向人间大地不说辛苦不言疲倦一天又一天一年又一年。。。。。。徐建纲2016年5,月12日44. To 5.12 Nurses DayWhen I felt a bit down,You were the fresh breeze to drown,It blew from the green mountain stream.Soon the mood was flippingLike the violets bloomingIn my dream.When I was depressed,You were a white magnolia flower blooming best ,Like the bright moon which was shining far,Poured the endless loveInto my heart.My eyes, immediately,Like peach blossoms,Were flashing brightly.When I was in despair like a clod,You were a streak of lightning from godCleaned the smog in my mind.Once and again, into my heartYou injected hopes of some kind.Sowing future into it when I was in a bind.Oh, angels in white,Messengers of god,Be like this might,Spread love and hope towards the worldTireless,ComplainlessDay after dayYear after year。。。。。。(杨勇,易红译)45.无题从未登上过山巅不会知道日出的炫丽从未涉足大海的波涛不会懂得海天的辽阔从未跋涉过沙漠的漫长不会体验到绿洲的美妙从未经历过冷酷的寒冬不会珍惜春天的温暖没有呼吸过自由的空气不会理解自由的可贵你没经历过我的经历怎会懂得我心中的痛楚?2016年6月于三峡大学45. UntitledThose who have never climbed up to the mountaintopWouldn’t know the splendor of the sunriseThose who have never felt the waves of the seaWouldn’t know how vast its sizeThose who have never crossed the sand seaWouldn’t know how wonderful the Oasis you can fantasizeThose who have never experienced a cold winter nightmareWouldn’t know how the warmth of spring they should careThose who have never been breathing in the free airWouldn’t understand the value of freedom and fairYou have never had the same experience as mineHow could you understand my heart was broken or fine?(杨勇,易红译)46.2016年印象——徐建纲才走了一半却感觉走了一世一生伤心欲绝,捶胸顿足房子,票子龙舌兰,大中华萨尔瓦多。。。。。。伴随阴郁的蒙蒙细雨还有纠结的心情。。。。。。那一场与秃鹫的搏斗还记忆犹新斗智斗勇无畏权贵只为了希望,信仰和一息尚存的真诚不经意间见证生与死的距离撕心裂肺的呼唤深入骨髓的忏悔完成了意义的总结猛烈的暴风雨忽左忽右炽热的太阳炙烤干涸的土地洪灾,涝灾又为2016年雪上加霜一壶老酒几个兄弟来,干杯!只为了这个不平凡的人生!2016年7月于三峡大学46. Impression on 2016Half way of my lifeLike a whole journey of mineInconsolable and remorsefulHouse, moneyAlcohol, cigaretteSalvadorMy mood is wanderingWith cold cold falling rainThat fight with vultureWas still vividTry my bestNothing to fearOnly for hope, beliefAnd even the extant sincereFortunately witnessThe distance from life to deathThe calling in broken voiceThe confession in deep mindTo completeThe conclusion of meaningViolent stormSweep sharplyGlowing sunBurn fiercelyWaterlog disasterGive another heavy blowTo this scarred 2016A pot of wineSeveral brothersCome to toastTo this extraordinary life(覃业星,邹成博译)47.午后的思绪——徐建纲烟一根根吞云吐雾笼罩着无奈的眼神表达着茫然之后的还是茫然酒一杯杯如梦如幻淋湿了压抑的心情麻木着荒诞之后的还是荒诞生命的意义不断在心头纠缠冲不出烟雾的缭绕也溢不出结实的杯子的边沿我从哪里来我去哪里去再次询问沧桑回应的只有树枝上无聊的夏禅……想起莎翁的诗句:生存还是死亡?于是,忧伤又一次在心底漫延……拼命伸出臂膊想要拥抱空中的虚幻一声犀利的鸣叫发现依然在地面旋转午后的香樟在太阳下懒懒的舞动 树枝回过神来把此刻的心绪缓缓敲进键盘2016年7月28日于三峡大学47. Afternoon thoughtsOne after anotherI was smoking with no otherThe smoke has covered my helpless eyesWith frustrated and confused sighsGlass by glass I was drinkingJust like I was dreamingWith the wet feeling of depressionBecoming a man insensitive out of questionIn my heart the life meaningWas constantly entanglingCouldn't get out of the dark massCouldn't cross the edge of glassFrom where I am , I wanted knowand also ,Where I should goThe mulberry trees I askedOnly the silly cicadas answered……Thinking of Shakespeare's verse:Live or die?Sadness of some kindspreading again in my mind……Desperately I opened my armsTo embrace the illusion of great charmsSuddenly heard a sharp cryFound myself is still turning on the groundLike a silly guyIn the afternoon sunlight the camphor treesWere waving their branchesBack to realityKeyboarding the thoughts quickly(杨勇,易红译)48.重逢揣着一缕思念怀着一丝希望捧着一篇赤城不经意间就走进了20年前的青葱岁月我们,又成了才入学的新生北山坡,依然威武绿树影印间似乎还留着我们的爱恋斑驳的台阶上好像还留有我们的当年的脚步依然那么深情大门敞开多情的臂膀热烈拥抱归来的学子球场上似乎还奔跑着我们当年的身影射门,投篮,得分呐喊声依旧在耳边回响教室里回荡着我们那年的读书声还有,晚自习后手挽手青涩的爱情。。。。。。哦,我们的七中,我们的青春我们人生的最可宝贵的经历一幕幕开始放映欢笑夹杂着泪水回忆伴随着梦想开怀的大笑师生深情的相拥。。。。。。当年无意的相遇今天特定的再见原来,人生的幸福其实就是久别后的重逢!哦,二十年这是一次久违了的再见这是一次亲人的团聚七中,当年你给予我们一个人生有限的舞台今天,我们在社会演绎一场无限的精彩回报滋润了我们美丽青春的七中!2016年于宜昌市第七中学48. ReunionYearning in pocketWishing in mindSincerity in handInadvertentlyback to 20 years agoThat green, pure and beautiful daysWe were rebornAs freshmenBei ShanPo, familiar as wellShadow of leaves stillKeep the secretOf our loveEven the footsteps in those daysCan be found on thatDappled stepsAffectionateness remainsThe door opens with affectionate armsA warm embrace of returned studentsOn the courtOur figure of the year can still be seenShoot! Shoot! Score!The shout of celebrating aroundThe sound of reading in classStill lingered in my mindAnd immature loveAfter the evening studyWith walking hand in handOh, our No.7 middle school, our youthThe most valuable experience in lifeFlash back one by oneLaughter with tearsMemories with dreamBurst into laughterJust give a hug gratefullyFor you and meThe unconscious approach of the yearMeet again on this special dayLuckily, the happiness of lifeIs the reunion after a lone absenceOh, twenty yearsIt is been a long time for this reunionAlso a reunion of relativesOh, my Alma MaterYou give us a limited stage of life beforeBut now, we are in societyTo show an infinite splendid actTo pay you backThe one who shapes usOur green and beautifulNo.7 middle school(覃业星,邹成博译)49.秋日的叹息(之二)——徐建纲虚拟的太阳依然骄横,强迫白桦林底下了不屈的头颅风,也无法挽救听说彼岸有不老的圣经落叶,纷纷出动寻不回丢失已久的探针几个秃鹫固执滴坚守巨大的虚无掩饰不住内心的恐惧秋蝉无奈的鸣叫迅速,消失在机器的轰鸣中左和右都不是最终的选择粗鄙继续着自己的粗鄙无知固守着自己的无知田边的杂草自得其乐地互相抱团聚暖几个孤零零的身影在肥沃的土地上收获着贫瘠一只早起的黄雀默默祈祷着下一章第九交响乐的开始奏响。。。。。。2016年8月于三峡大学49. The sigh of autumnFictional sunStill arrogant, force Birch forestTo bow his indomitable headThe wind, is beyond helpHeard of there is a BibleFar across the seaFalling leaves all startTo seekThe long lost feelSeveral vulturesStubbornly hold fastTo the giant nihilityCan not conceal the fearDeep in mindThe lifeless cryOf the Harvest flyQuickly disappearIn the noise of machineTo be or not to beThat can still be a questionVulgarity goes on with its vulgarityIgnorance sticks to its ignoranceWeeds on the edge of the fieldsHug each other to pretendTo keep warmSeveral lonely figuresHarvest leannessIn the fertile landOne early siskinPraying silentlyThe begin with the next chapterOf the Ninth Symphony(覃业星,邹成博译)50.无题——徐建纲沉寂了一夜的土地开始发出湿漉漉的呼吸兰基博尼,卡迪拉克丰田,宝马肆意碾压呻吟的道路西红柿,黄瓜,生菜,茄子手机,短信,微信,QQ。。。。。。争先恐后喧嚣生活的意义微笑,握手真诚,虚伪相互交织交换着彼此的利益一片云潇洒地飘过秋日的太阳悬挂在半空冷眼旁观芸芸众生一首孤独的诗行小心翼翼维护着仅剩的一丝真诚。。。。。。2016年8月于三峡大学50. UntitledThe silent landStart to breathe moistlyovernightLange Boni, CadillacTOYOTA, BMWRolling arbitrarily the moaning roads Tomato, cucumber,Lettuce, eggplantMobile phone, text, WeChat, QQ……Scrambling to yellThe meaning of lifeSmile, shake handsSincerity and hypocrisyCrumpled into a ballExchange each other's interestsA piece of cloudFloat freelyThe sun of autumnHang silentlyOverlooking all living beingsIndifferentlyA line of lonely poemCarefullyPreserve the remaining sincerity(覃业星,邹成博译)51.2016,我该感谢谁?这一年,房子没有了成了无房户这一年,住院住了三次身体不好了这一年,岳母去世了留下许多的遗憾这一年,女儿出国了带走了我的思念这一年,风风雨雨都过来了感谢苍天赋予我一副坚强的臂膀来承担无数的苦难唱一曲《You Raise Me Up》继续迎接生活的坦然2016年8月于三峡大学51. WHOM I SHOULD THANK TO?This year, I lost my houseI’ve become a homeless louseThis year, three times I’ve been in the hospitalNo longer in good health little by littleThis year, my mother-in-law passed awayLeft a lot of regrets that dayThis year, my daughter went abroadWith the care and worrying I can’t ignoredThis year, all the ups and downs had been pastThanks God for giving me strong armsTo load so many difficulties at lastSinging a song-<You Raise Me Up>To keep on living calmly with lucky charms(杨勇,易红译)52.我想你们了桂花对九月说我已经等了很久了清晨对夜晚说我已经等了一个世纪了秋蝉对太阳说我已经等了一个季节了秋风对南山说我已经把岁月等老了我说:兄弟们我想你们了来,把酒喝干再斟满今夜不醉不还!徐建纲2016年8月于三峡大学52. MISSING YOUThe sweet Osmanthus perfumes to the September,I’ve been expecting you longer and longer!The morning whistles to the night,I’ve been expecting you for a century’s daylight!The cicada says to the sun,I’ve been expecting you till the third season has begun!The autumn wind murmurs in the Mt.South,I’m waiting for you with all my youthI want to say, hi,dears!I’ve been expecting you with tears bright!Glass and glass, everybody,cheers!A drunken party tonight!(杨勇,易红译)53.秋日的感悟——回答诗友杨卫东先生那时的月亮确实很近可是却也很冷你还记得吗在收割后的土地上捡拾漏掉的麦穗点燃一堆篝火慰藉饥饿的童年?那时的距离确实很近为了一个答案却不得不走了三十年今天的距离确实很长可是你没看见吗为了能依偎在爱人的肩头只需高铁的弹指一瞬间?那时的甘蔗现在依然甜那时的露珠现在照样透明那时的村庄很小小的看不见未来现在的村庄很大走出家门就可以看见希望就在眼前这个多情的秋夜再次吹响婉转的牧笛跨国三十年的距离我去寻你只为弥补遗失在多年前的那个遗憾。。。。。。2016年9月于三峡大学53. Reflection on autumn——Response to Mr. Yang WeidongThe moon of that nightReally closeBut cold as wellDo you rememberOn the harvested landPick up the missing wheatLight a bonfireTo comfortThe starving childhoodThe distance of that yearReally closeJust due to the answerHave to walk for nearly thirty yearsReally longBut don't you seeJust for holding you in armsNothing can stop meSugarcane at that timeStill sweetDewdrops of the dayStill shiningAt that timeThe villages were very smallToo small to see the futureBut nowThe village is large enoughAs large as we can seeThe hope is right hereRight here within reachThis emotional autumn nightBlow the gentle reed pipe againThe distance of thirty yearsI'm looking for youJust to make up for the regretLong lost many years before(覃业星,邹成博译)54.生活——和无求诗友你的夏天是静止的我的这个夏日,注定动荡不安时而不确定的风暴时而炙热的烈日诠释着生命的全部意义躲在幽暗的一隅暗自舔舐受伤的心灵渴望一股如清泉的瀑布洗涤被蒙蔽的双眸启迪迷失的灵魂是的,黄色的落叶依然徘徊在秋季的门口绿叶,也开始策划一次集体的逃离请为我留下一片清澈的湖水吧伴随浓郁的龙舌兰融化在湖心的波光淋漓……2016年9月与三峡大学54. Life——With my poetry friend Wu QiuYour summer is sereneBut this summer of mine, definitelyIn turmoil, sometimesThere is an uncertain stormSometimesThere is a burning sunTelling the true meaningOf lifeHiding in a dark cornerLickingMy wounded heartsCraving forA waterfall like springTo wash the blinded eyesTo enlighten lost soulsTrue, yellow leavesStill wandering in the doorway of autumnGreen leaves, are beginning to plotA collective escapePlease leave meA lake of clear waterWith a cup of tequilaMelting in the shimmering drippingOf the lake in mind(覃业星,邹成博译)55.无题云说一切,都是过眼烟云风说一切,都是虚无缥缈雨说一切,都是虚拟的叶子说一切,都是伪装的我说真诚地活着很累你说在这个薄情的世界里,深情地活着@徐建纲教授顿时,黑暗的天空里突显一缕曙光今夜无眠用虔诚做笔蘸着温柔的月光写下一句句诗行让希望把浓郁的黑暗点亮2016年9月于三峡大学55. UntitledSaid the clouds,‘Everything is just like fleeting clouds!’Said the winds,‘Everything will be gone with winds!’Said the rain,‘All your efforts will be in vain!’Said the leaves ,‘Everything is fake!’I Said,‘It is hard to live honestly!’You said,‘live in this ungrateful worldaffectionately!’In the dark sky,There was a ray of light suddenly!No sleep tonight!Take my devotion as a penThe soft moonlight as inkTo write some grateful lines.Let hope light up the dark(杨勇,易红译)56.无题——徐建纲有些歌就是唱不成张口就是泪滴有些话就是说不出开口就一定哽咽有些曲子就是不能弹奏一弹琴弦就会断裂有些思念就是不能描述落笔就会阵阵痛楚秋雨一样淅淅沥沥夕阳一样遥遥注目。。。。。。2016年9月于三峡大学56. UntitledSome songs I could not sing,‘cause it always accompanied with tears at the beginning,Some words I could not say,‘cause it just let me lose my way.Some melodies I could not play‘cause the string would out of the way.Some thoughts only can be hidden in the heart‘cause the ink would never let the sadness depart.As usual, the autumn rain is trickling,The sun is shining far away ... ...。。。。。。(杨勇,易红译)57.秋日的思念——徐建纲思念是秋阳晃晕了的双眼思念是秋风搅乱了的思绪思念是一阵一阵揪心的痛楚思念是无人能懂得老泪在心底不停的泛滥。。。。。。你把憧憬潇洒地打进背包挥手走进远方我把牵挂艰难地吸进肺腑不敢说再见只怕说出来的刹那再也跨不过心里的那道坎。。。。。。那边的秋日也一样多情吗?罗纳河的河水也会唱歌吗?那里的夜晚也有月亮吧那里也有难舍难分南飞的鸿雁?。。。。。。烟一只一只的熄灭酒一杯一杯的喝干午后的秋阳默默不语只有无知的秋风把落叶和心绪一起翻动飘在半空一片一片。。。。。。2016年9月于三峡大学57. Missing in autumnMissing is just likeThe eye’s dizziness caused by the sunshine.Missing is just likeThe mind was disturbed by the autumn wind .Missing is just likeSuffering the waves of intense pain one of a kind.Missing is just likeThe tears kept flooding in my heart,No one can understand.。。。。。。You put the dream Into the backpack coollyGoing with the wind carelessly.I put the missingInto the bottom of my heart confined.Afraid to say goodbye,Just afraid thatNo longer has the chance to say ‘hi’.The autumn is also passionateOn the other side?Can also sing the river of Rhone?Is there the same bright moon?Are there also bonded swan geese flying south soon?。。。。。。Piece by piece,Was extinguished the cigarettes Rangoon.Glass by glass,Was drunk up the wine maroon.The sunlight is shining silentlyIn the afternoon,Only the tactless autumn windBlew the leaves and my mindTo flip together, out of tune.Floating in the air,And the road was strewn.。。。。。。(杨勇,易红译)58.秋日的感悟(之二)徐建纲经历了八月炙热的煎熬不经意间就走进了九月的凉爽虽然,还有一丝丝遗憾多情的秋阳遥遥地注目温柔滴迎接游子的皈依湖心的倒影已在翩翩起舞妩媚的秋风深情滴抚慰疲惫的心绪落叶也迫不及待地雀跃掀起远方的牧笛一片,一片。。。。。。燥热的疯狂已结束了它的淫威天空已没有了灰色的阴郁一颗种子一颗经历过无数艰辛的种子思考着这一季在何处安身只为了来年激情地绽放上演一次凤凰涅槃的精彩!2016年9月于三峡大学58. AutumnExperienced the suffering of hot August,InadvertentlyStepped into the cool SeptemberWith a little bit regret that I still remember;The amorous sun fixed its eyes with tenderOn the returning of a wanderer.The inverted imagesAre dancing in the lake center.The charming autumn windConsoled the tired heart affectionately ;The fallen leaves are also jumping cheerfullyWhistling like a fluteSh sh sh... ...The insanely heat has gone away;Gloomy sky has passed today.A seedWhich experienced countless hardship day by day.Is thinking thatIn the coming season where to stayAnd a brightly blooming wayOn the coming day.(杨勇,易红译)
